About Us | Holistic Heartland

My "Why"

Hey everyone! My name is Allison and I am the founder of Holistic Heartland. 

My passion for health and wellness has always been strong, but it was rekindled in 2020 when the world shut down. During that time, natural healing was strongly discouraged (nature, connection, alternative medicine, etc), which led to my realization that Big Food, Big Pharma, and the government did not have our best interests at heart. Therefore, I started researching natural healing practices on my own. 

I learned a lot through trial and error, along with some incredible info through online courses and IG (and still learning today!). I found it super difficult to find actually clean products from brands that aligned with my values, so I got to work on how to share those products with others like me. This is how Holistic Heartland was born. I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur and I'm lucky enough to have a few incredible business owners in my life who always encouraged me to follow my wildest dreams, which finally led me here 3 years later.

It is my hope that Holistic Heartland is more than just a store, but a community for all walks of life to come and learn, grow, and share their stories and tips with others. My goal is to create a comprehensive resource to empower freedom lovers to take back their health and their freedom for a happier, healthier life.
